sleeping alone the length of night on your pillow Gavin Austin
slowed-down pace the raindrops no longer beat on my face Xiaoou Chen
cloud nestles into mountain curves — afternoon sun
Anne Curran
sun-warmed branches grandma’s love nourishing our tree
Douglas J. Lanzo
high tide
bits of the seal
float back to sea
Helen Ogden
waves break —
at the shoreline
Alison Rogers
wind-beaten grass
all the things
I leave behind
Daniela Misso
gusts of wind are quieter — I sail to another spring Dejan Ivanovic
alphabet soup the first grader puts words on the plate's edge
Pitt Büerken
A pebble thrown Causes ripples The water returns to stillness Georg Cook
A flame is lit Sparking into life
Darkness ebbs away Georg Cook
anthropocene —
one of last evening songs
by frog choir
Wiesław Karliński