sugar moon
the drinking water
of one rose petal
Alan Summers
hot south wind
rearranging dry grass shadows
and my thoughts
D.V. Rozic
harsh outlook the motives of windows
Peter Jastermsky
August night
her painted face
in the glow of a traffic light
Manoj Sharma
garden nasturtium enters
the basement
Silva Trstenjak
Corona virus
will we part until
the Cold Moon?
shifting moon
the fleetingness
of shadow
hitting the floor already he is somewhere else Peter Jastermsky
clutter in the oceans our lives
Roberta Beach Jacobson
gusty winds
amidst the patchy clouds
a crescent moon
giving it all
to the unknown...
dandelion fluff
Pat Davis
the gondolier
navigates the canal
one eye
on the young lovers
the other on the moon
Michael H. Lester
night of cleaning...
bits of dust shower
until morning
Pat Geyer
grey clouds
I’m withdrawing
into myself
Bakhtiyar Amini