morning fog smoothing the rough edges of our city
the mountain valley ...
December fog
Cherry A
cold moon
spinning in the void
the old disc
Mirela Brăilean
emptying the mind of all the year’s troubles ... rainfall
B.A. France
sprinkler rainbow
birthday girl leaps
to the other side
Ron Scully
front yard
child puts on
her face mask
as she approaches
our snowman
John J. Dunphy
fallen leaves...
the box turtle
moves on
Greg Schwartz
first frost granny preps the salted cod
a single ornament
on the Christmas tree
in a ditch
the wind in my hair a dusting of moonrise
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
burial night
not quite long
for us to find
all of the stars
Stephen Toft
autumn trees
soon to become
completely naked
one by one I let go
of attachments
Jackie Chou
on the wings of a moth a poem
winter Galaxy
a drop of milk
in my coffee