deeper than the hoot of snowy owls winter solitude
Joe Sebastian
shimmered air
a lone buzzard circles
the sun
John Hawkhead
morning rain filling the bird bath two fat pigeons
Marilyn Ward
dead end ... google tells me I have reached Arvinder Kaur
finally rising
my late tulips
John J. Dunphy
looking back...
but there is no
Kamrun Nahar
the weep of willows and wise men morning moon Kelly Sauvage
withered trees
your pale face lingers
in my heart
Lisbeth Ho
eternity . . .
this single drop
of dew
Veronika Zora Novak
sea storm... the sky cracks and falls down Diana Teneva
Easter cleaning
of the gravestones
Maya Daneva
Good Friday
outdoors as it is indoors
closed tulips
in unison
the stars and fireflies...
zoom wedding
Elisa Theriana
blue heron . . .
teach my green wings
to fly