Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Friday, April 30, 2021

By Arvinder Kaur

a dry leaf

where she left last...

mother’s prayer book

Arvinder Kaur

By Marilyn Ward

late frost

the young fuchsia

hangs its head

Marilyn Ward

By Kyoko Bengala


My heart remains

among the cherry trees

Kyoko Bengala

By Luke Levi


dusted in pollen

flies from the redbud

Luke Levi

By Sherry Grant

moonlight waltz down a silken petal aisle

Sherry Grant

By Joe Sebastian


how to divide

the puppy

Joe Sebastian

By G.R. LeBlanc

soft rain

the sound of peepers

growing louder

G.R. LeBlanc

By Lee Hudspeth

grandparents’ front porch swing

a pendulum

of stories shared

Lee Hudspeth

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

By Pippa Phillips

following the murmuration of starlings the murmur of their wings

Pippa Phillips

By Bee Jay

six feet apart

or six feet below

distant bells

Bee Jay

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


nocturne you play me once again


By Pippa Phillips


on a moonless night—

I find no pearl

Pippa Phillips

By Lori A Minor

my flaws in the system crook of moon

Lori A Minor

By Vandana Parashar

failing eyesight

now I don’t see

faults in others

Vandana Parashar