sky king and lover approaching before dawn match made in heavenRichard Bailly
throwing stones in a quiet pool split moon Nani Mariani
faces long lost
a hazy moon
Neena Singh
rainbow reflects in water
but someone
chucks a stone
Kamrun Nahar
a dry leaf
where she left last...
mother’s prayer book
Arvinder Kaur
late frost the young fuchsia hangs its head Marilyn Ward
homecoming- My heart remains among the cherry trees Kyoko Bengala
bee dusted in pollen flies from the redbud Luke Levi
moonlight waltz down a silken petal aisle
Sherry Grant
how to divide
the puppy
Joe Sebastian
soft rain
the sound of peepers
growing louder G.R. LeBlanc
grandparents’ front porch swing
a pendulum
of stories shared
Lee Hudspeth
following the murmuration of starlings the murmur of their wings Pippa Phillips
six feet apart or six feet below distant bells Bee Jay