hanging on
lock door
a newspaper
Kamrun Nahar
cracked ground --
mother stares at
the faded wheat
Maria Tirenescu
snowy morn --
the color
of silence
Dan Iulian
creaky old fan
I dream peacefully
white noise comfort
Mona Bedi
open window
a sparrow pecks on
my keyboard
Maya Daneva
sudden blackout—
the night lights up
firefly by firefly
Arvinder Kaur
spring flowers - so much fog around me Maria Teresa Sisti
modest moon curtain of clouds
Roberta Beach Jacobson
May rain - scent of mint in the wind
Maria Teresa Piras
every nightmare ends this too
Shagun Wasan
water moccasins slither to higher ground to dry their wet feet
JL Huffman
guiding rhythm
of the dance
If I had to choose anyone it would be you over and over
Christian Garduno
birthday outing... a scenic ride into my golden years
Pat Geyer