soaking rain the scarecrow pops his buttons
Tom Bierovic
thunderhead some ideas just keep exploding
Peter Jastermsky
free at last
my breasts
Vandana Parashar
for you every day
I tuck jasmine
in my hair
Rashmi Buragohain
hanging on
lock door
a newspaper
Kamrun Nahar
cracked ground --
mother stares at
the faded wheat
Maria Tirenescu
snowy morn --
the color
of silence
Dan Iulian
creaky old fan
I dream peacefully
white noise comfort
Mona Bedi
open window
a sparrow pecks on
my keyboard
Maya Daneva
sudden blackout—
the night lights up
firefly by firefly
Arvinder Kaur
spring flowers - so much fog around me Maria Teresa Sisti
modest moon curtain of clouds
Roberta Beach Jacobson
May rain - scent of mint in the wind
Maria Teresa Piras
every nightmare ends this too
Shagun Wasan