before sunrise shaking off a phantom moon
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
wolf moon the muffled voices of mountains
Hemapriya Chellappan
moon rising
like the holy grail
over world end
Carole Johnston
moonlit night passing by the arch of a black cat Mohammad Azim Khan
crescent moon
the world hanging on
by a threadJay Friedenberg
turkey chicks hustle after their hen Hatching Moon
JL Huffman
new moon old disease same fears - how do I do what I can’t
Tim Roberts
moon of the leaves- a thousand ponds at once become dark
Kyoko Bengala
hazy moon—
reading glasses
out of reach
Pippa Phillips
something to cling to life preserver moonSusan Burch
between tangled vines sliced moon
Zahra Mughis
strikes the sky
the zigzagged moon
Lakshmi Iyer
cider moon
nestling into the scent
of fireside smoke
Alan Summers
train journey
just enough moon
at the window
Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo