moon prayer
asking you back
from God
Richa Sharma
accelerating home
over a battlefield of bones
old moon
Helen Buckingham
a tree stands
in silhouette
Jagajit Salam
under the oak moon--
dreaming of trees
with branches
tangled in my hair
before sunrise shaking off a phantom moon
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
wolf moon the muffled voices of mountains
Hemapriya Chellappan
moon rising
like the holy grail
over world end
Carole Johnston
moonlit night passing by the arch of a black cat Mohammad Azim Khan
crescent moon
the world hanging on
by a threadJay Friedenberg
turkey chicks hustle after their hen Hatching Moon
JL Huffman
new moon old disease same fears - how do I do what I can’t
Tim Roberts
moon of the leaves- a thousand ponds at once become dark
Kyoko Bengala
hazy moon—
reading glasses
out of reach
Pippa Phillips
something to cling to life preserver moonSusan Burch