Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

By Mohammad Azim Khan

moon shadows

workers return

from the night shift

Mohammad Azim Khan

Sunday, June 13, 2021

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

fine-toothed comb the crescent moon in my bones

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Julie Schwerin

longest night still the solar-powered moon 

Julie Schwerin

By Marina Bellini

full moon beyond the roofs I know you're there

Marina Bellini

By Vincenzo Adamo

veiled moon

I look out the window

and all is silent

Vincenzo Adamo

By Wilda Morris


through a gap

in the motel curtain

Wilda Morris

By Rajeshwari Srinivasan

broken window

the moon peeps

into my loneliness

Rajeshwari Srinivasan

By Joe Sebastian

from up above

a quarter moon finds

the city hovels

Joe Sebastian

By Marilyn Ward


are you somewhere

thinking of me

Marilyn Ward

By David Cappella

the waning moon –

a single raindrop glistens

on a dead oak leaf

David Cappella

By Jim Niffen

rose moon

the prairie glows


Jim Niffen

Saturday, June 12, 2021

By Keith Evetts

round and round

in the pan

the stir-fry moon

Keith Evetts

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

peaches and cream

sweet corn

swirly moon

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Caroline Krakora

milk moon-

she fancies


Caroline Krakora