the moon drops in
armed with nothing
Bakhtiyar Amini
scare tactics … another evening watching tv with mom
B.A. France
my new table
made from reclaimed wood
the ring
from my coffee cup encircles
a bullet hole
John J. Dunphy
dawn chorus
the other side
of double glazing
Keith Evetts
cloudless sky
blue feather
of an unknown bird
Mircea Moldovan
hunting worms in the grass
for a baby bird
Ingrid Bruck
smitten by chess
she knows
all his moves
Priti Khullar
brew scent in the kitchen
Mead Moon
Christina Chin
temple pond lotus in the middle of the moon
Joe Sebastian
the street's name
in an unknown alphabet
Ana Drobot
lane markers
another haiku
crosses the line
Lorraine A. Padden
sunset …dull roars of the seadrowns me in melancholy
Amrutha Prabhu
moonlight -
silence remains so suspended
Maria Teresa Sisti
white poppy ...
even more alone
in the crowd
Lucia Cardillo