The only moon…
Of Amavasya *
Nudurupati Nagasri
*No moon day
I rock the moon
lying on the swing-
summer night
Nicoletta Ignatti
melon field
the scarecrow points to the moon
Florin C. Ciobica
late-night news
the moon minds
its own business
Mona Iordan
a magical gift
this potted lemon tree
a moon now on each branch
Ben Onachila
orange blossom-- a single woman under the moon Angiola Inglese
rabbit moon--
the silence
thunder moon
the accidental crunch
of molluscs
Claire Ninham
thrift shop
all my possessions
still there Pat Davis
rainbow shoots from Neptune’s trident after sea-blown storm
Douglas J. Lanzo
she calls
to herself
Pippa Phillips
pandemic funeral -
behind the widow
convoy of leaves
Mirela Brăilean
freedom to walk away stray cat
Susan Bonk Plumridge
to the names we give her
cold moon
Barrie Levine