Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Sunday, October 3, 2021

By Mircea Moldovan

how many sunrises scattered by the stag's horns

Mircea Moldovan

By Tim Murphy

finding the shop closed

during opening hours

Mercury Retrograde

Tim Murphy

Saturday, October 2, 2021

By Mircea Moldovan


the freckles on her face

one by one

Mircea Moldovan

By Chen-ou Liu

sound of spring rain

two umbrellas move closer

to each other

Chen-ou Liu

By Priti Khullar

old photo album

rain trickles down

my window

Priti Khullar

Thursday, September 30, 2021

By Keith Evetts

YouTube listening to the nightingale 

Keith Evetts

By John Hawkhead

drifting mist

she has become

someone else

John Hawkhead

By Sherry Grant

the world scatters growing up once so close

Sherry Grant

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

By John Hawkhead

deep in her pocket

a shallow layer of dust

that once was someone

John Hawkhead

By Silk~

before dinner starlings peppering the reeds


By Refika Dedić


illuminating the path


Refika Dedić

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

By Jim Niffen

harvest moon

silently leads me

to your shores

Jim Niffen

By Silk~

cold moon    white spruce trees in a huddle


By Lisbeth Ho

faintly heard

gu-zheng strings plucked

under this full moon

soothes the waves of longing for

my ancestors’ land an ocean apart

Lisbeth Ho