Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

By Joe Sebastian

waves across a floating refugee arc of searchlights

Joe Sebastian

By Joanna Ashwell

evening walk

pushing myself forward

into the world

Joanna Ashwell

By John J. Dunphy

3 am

sound of sobbing

from the hospital chapel

John J. Dunphy

By B.A. France

blues harmonica

cresting and falling again

waves of life

B.A. France

Monday, November 1, 2021

By B.A. France

long breaths

at twilight


B.A. France

By John J. Dunphy

homeless shelter

children's Christmas stockings stuffed

with Halloween candy

John J. Dunphy

By Karen Harvey

north wind

it's so much colder

when you're not here

Karen Harvey

By Meera Rehm

deepening blue

the day moon's mojo


Meera Rehm

By Joe Sebastian

figuring all my broken selves new mirror

Joe Sebastian

By Roberta Beach Jacobson


Halloween night


the moon wears the face

of a marbled angel

Roberta Beach Jacobson

Sunday, October 31, 2021

By Mircea Moldovan

no spider above me

i write today

three lines

Mircea Moldovan

By Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

Home because of children

and webless spiders.

Sunlight moves across the floor, out the door. 

Andrew Aguinaldo

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

ideas dry up

acrylic witches on brooms

return to dust

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Nani Mariani

scary night

sitting between mom and dad


Nani Mariani