vortex my cerebral cortex
Keith Evetts
crack in the glass
sealed by ticks of ice
holds all winterRon Scully
autumn trail—
I feel like a leaf
in a dream
Vincenzo Adamo
a 14-point buck
the veteran hunter
lowers his rifle
John J. Dunphy
dust covers everything
day moon
I stir the remaining dream
in the coffee
Ram Chandran
after the eulogy crowsKeith Evetts
waves across a floating refugee arc of searchlights
Joe Sebastian
evening walk
pushing myself forward
into the world
Joanna Ashwell
3 am
sound of sobbing
from the hospital chapel
blues harmonica cresting and falling again —waves of life
B.A. France
long breaths at twilight waiting
homeless shelter
children's Christmas stockings stuffed
with Halloween candy
north wind it's so much colder
when you're not here Karen Harvey