a jar of holly...
Christmas thoughts
by the fireplace
Mariangela Canzi
a night of joy
without a face mask
a smile shines
Refika Dedić
newly-divorced man
his first Christmas dinner
at a Chinese restaurant
John J. Dunphy
hazy moon
electric lamps outline
a minaret
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
the need
to solve mysteries
Milky Way
Maria Concetta Conti
the Milky Way drapes
our big sky
JL Huffman
rolling thunder
trying to concentrate
on a clarinet solo
Tim Murphy
deep crevice
in the
concrete sidewalk ant’s eye viewB.A. France
covered of snow
the chrysanthemums
fall asleep
Vasile Moldovan
a longing for you rings in each christmas songLisbeth Ho
Christmas Star ... something unspoken in her eyes
Lucia Cardillo
Christmas scent
mom's cakes
Zdenka Mlinar
trimming the tree
we bicker over
strands of tinsel
Helen Ogden
along the mountain range
shrivelled red apple
Mike Gallagher