lake cabin chimney smoke acrobats away
Susan Lee Roberts
lovers bathe
in moonlight...
a breeze
caresses the lotuses
in full bloom
David He
the past is riding
ahead of us
Adrian Bouter
she sings melodies
blossoms in the painting
come to life
Lakshman Bulusu
in the rapids
amongst sticks and rocks
a pair of tangerines
Jerome Berglund
early morning
day moon slowly
fades into blue sky
Linda L. Ludwig
seasonal fruit
we gather to pick
her burial clothes
Jenn Ryan-Jauregui
rushing water
over cutlery in the sink
debate silenced
Kavita Ratna
fisherman fishes
ankle-deep water.
Jovana Dragojlovic
Hanshan’s selflessness
to craft his best poetry
on fallen leaves James Penha
spring rain
a car rooftop carrying
yellow dropped flowers
Govind Joshi
bare feet
cooling in the backyard pond
goldfish tickling
Stephen Jarrell Williams
her old letters
Samo Kreutz
blue blossoms
her eyes
Lisa C. Reynolds