two years later
the permanence
of dead
Joe Whitlow
full moon
the shape of light
in loneliness
Joanna Ashwell
first breakup
I reach for another
Jenn Ryan-Jauregui
firefly ...
his sudden
Samo Kreutz
wrong path
right light –
lichen hoard
Simon De Courcey
what’s on your mind
the empty page asks
I’m waiting
for the beauty
of your non-truth
Sharon Ferrante
Venus at dawn
a bat swirls
Sébastien Revon
After midnight the spider and I don't want a cricket in the room Dejan Ivanovic
the kids flutter through rainforest
butterfly walk
Louise Hopewell
Tour de France –
the wicked witch of the west
wins again
Susan Burch
the dog keeps barking
counting syllables
what are you saying?
Noah Berlatsky
not in the heaven nor on the earth –
water strider
Zoran Doderovic
the country air
in her hair
Adrian Bouter
for Berry Bryant
tranquil nights
dipping my teabag
with expectation
C. Jean Downer