Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Saturday, October 7, 2023

By Lee Hudspeth


not wanting

a coyote paces the horizon

Lee Hudspeth

By David He

the crackling

of our campfire...

we wait

in a circle

for moonrise

David He

Friday, October 6, 2023

By Alvin B. Cruz

what we leave behind shooting stars

Alvin B. Cruz

By Adrian Bouter

grape harvest

the moon flies

on crane wings

Adrian Bouter

By Anthony Lusardi

your favorite song

you sigh

every other moment

Anthony Lusardi

By Alan Zhong

when you left

planes joining the sky

drifting through our broken dreams.

you're the brightest star

Alan Zhong

By Anne Morrigan

quick strokes

through lightning strikes

lost oars

Anne Morrigan

By Alison Rogers

consider the koi

drifting through its reflection

rust of the maple

Alison Rogers

By Arvinder Kaur

music class

my grandson catches

the cricket’s tune

Arvinder Kaur

By Ashoka Weerakkody


if only they could learn


Ashoka Weerakkody

By Barrie Levine


my Barbie and I


Barrie Levine



diner special

     sliding down the counter

to the regulars

Barrie Levine

By Brad Bennett

crowded feeder

one seed escapes

with its chickadee

Brad Bennett

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

second-hand store

a wedding dress tagged

as never worn

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Jay Friedenberg


the hypnotic lull

of bees at work

Jay Friedenberg


scattered bread

under the park bench

nature's pecking order

Jay Friedenberg