Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

By Lorraine Caputo

Of what are people

dreaming that moment they die

in the throes of sleep?

Lorraine Caputo

By David Ngo

fireworks shoot

exploding everywhere in the sky—

memory's trigger

David Ngo

By Sarah Mahina Calvello

Cul de sac

Bathed in moonlight is the perfect

Meeting place

Sarah Mahina Calvello

By Xiaoou Chen

frog in well

admiring the moon

two circles

Xiaoou Chen

By Anthony Lusardi

autumn rain

a groundhog

digs another hole

Anthony Lusardi

By Janet Krauss

The sun disappears

across the water

leaving a pallor of grief

Janet Krauss

By John J. Dunphy

his latest composition

guitarist sings while facing

a headstone

John J. Dunphy

By Adrian Bouter

child's drawing

his stars

above God

Adrian Bouter

By Kavita Ratna


makeup covers

a black eye

Kavita Ratna

By Kerry J Heckman

in front of the fire cracking open a new book

Kerry J Heckman

By Tim Dwyer

backyard in Brooklyn

last autumn’s maple leaves

by the cyclone fence—

bare branches now full

with the song of many birds

Tim Dwyer

Monday, March 18, 2024

By John J. Dunphy

I blinked and missed it

the present

became the past

John J. Dunphy

alley drinkers

veterans of different wars share

the same bottle

John J. Dunphy

By Joshua St. Claire

gold leaf

I page

through Keats

Joshua St. Claire

Verdi's A

a house wren

plucking a cosmic string

Joshua St. Claire

nothing more to see here waning crescent moon

Joshua St. Claire

color theory

the changing waves

of sky, sea, and shell

Joshua St. Claire


universes come into existence

then collapse

Joshua St. Claire

Friday, March 15, 2024

By Bryan Rickert


a moment of rest

all night

alone in this room

with a mosquito

Bryan Rickert

leaf fall losing another reason to stay

Bryan Rickert



between waves the piper’s tiny cry

Bryan Rickert