Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Saturday, July 13, 2024

By Sharon Ferrante

witch’s ritual

she gives a bow

to morning mist

Sharon Ferrante

burning sage

a crow cleans his wings

in the rain

Sharon Ferrante

old brooms

we talk about

our travels

Sharon Ferrante

By Milan Rajkumar

this dream ...

cape jasmine petals falling

on my sick bed

Milan Rajkumar

cycle of life—

planting rice seedlings

in ancestors' field

Milan Rajkumar

summer dawn

a glimpse of heaven

on the still pond

Milan Rajkumar

Friday, July 12, 2024

By Bryan Rickert

nettle field

the deer know

a way through

Bryan Rickert

to the bottom

of the sinkhole and back


Bryan Rickert

all day hike

I emerge

human again

Bryan Rickert

By Barrie Levine

no end

to the midday heat . . .

corn maze

Barrie Levine

skipping stones repeating our mistakes

Barrie Levine

beach walk the permanence of trash

Barrie Levine

By Tom Blessing

old raven

seems content

watching the sun set

into the broken


Tom Blessing

beneath her hat     a sadness    in her eyes

Tom Blessing


the distant rumble

of a log truck

Tom Blessing

By Chad Lee Robinson

the mare's gentle breathing . . .

what I've only ever told

the wind

Chad Lee Robinson

birds singing 

in the dark before dawn . . .

their names elude me 

but I know yours 

and you know mine

Chad Lee Robinson

home from the vet--

the sound of my feet 

alone in the leaves

Chad Lee Robinson

By Mona Bedi

summer breeze

the girl in a red dress

lets out a yawn

Mona Bedi

bonsai all my shortcomings

Mona Bedi

rose prickles

nothing comes easy

in this life

Mona Bedi

By Kelly Sargent

when I was seen wild irises

Kelly Sargent

the shadows

of summer

homeless tents

Kelly Sargent

wishing fountain

no matter

how many coins I toss. . .

my prayers

caught in the downspout

Kelly Sargent

By Mark Forrester

evening calm

on the river

a kayaker talks to his dog

Mark Forrester

water rushing

through our mountain cabin

its echo

Mark Forrester

mountain trail—

thin clouds weaving

between black spruce

Mark Forrester

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

By Kelly Moyer

Crossing Over

Kelly Moyer

Samsara #1

Kelly Moyer



Rain Dance

Kelly Moyer


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

By Michael Shoemaker

pine needle trail

draws me back

to hidden childhood hollows

Michael Shoemaker

sunflowers and sagebrush

call pioneers


to the trail

image and words Michael Shoemaker


Monday, July 8, 2024

By Brad Bennett

the garden


and dragonflied

Brad Bennett

By Adrian Bouter

a good year

stars fall into

the wine

Adrian Bouter

By Eavonka Ettinger

redwood forest

the persistent knock

of a woodpecker

Eavonka Ettinger

on the tip

of my tongue...


Eavonka Ettinger

a whirlwind

   of dandelions

twisted wishes

Eavonka Ettinger