forgetting my age
hairline cracks
in the vase
Thomas Tilton
slowly sinking
into the thawing pond
our Christmas tree
John J. Dunphy
not the mask
I'm I'm
radio static noise now playing coldplay
Elancharan Gunasekaran
a forgotten galaxy the river without a name
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
heavy rain -
the song of the blackbird so far away
Angiola Inglese
daddy penguins gathering for a good gossip
Sherry Grant
in and out
the ventilator moves air
between life and death
John Hawkhead
severed head
the phantom pull
of a leg cramp
tree stump
the drought years now pelted
by raindrops
icicles on the lawn
— morning sunbeams
B.A. France
fishing line
waiting for the tug
of a haiku
Minal Sarosh
a perfect rainbow
my fish gone
north wind porcupine tooth marks scar a sapling
Kristen Lindquist
in the wider worldspinning the globe
Mirela Brăilean
bed of nails
becoming used
to having no point
miners' shacks
their stories
in the wind
Sharon Rhutasel-Jones
full moon -
looking for a noise
inside silence
Maria Teresa Sisti