growing old together
lopsided moonHemapriya Chellappan
day moon
the toddler finds
with joy
David Oates
sky in every breath cold moon
Sushama Kapur
midsummer night floating here and there lotuses and the moon
Elisa Theriana
roomba streetlight
crosses the night sky
over the treetops
Neil Ruddy
covid moon
family dog
becomes a stray
Tomislav Sjekloća
crossing the border moondance
Roberta Beach Jacobson
treetop roost
a heron
walks the moon
Marilyn Ashbaugh
rolling in
on the midnight train
wheels of moonlight
John Hawkhead
ice moon
the winter you left
to me
Meera Rehm
haying moon...
fresh cut grass
coated in dew
Kathleen Vasek Trocmet
full moon
a strawberry ripens
in the basket of sky
Debbie Strange
the moon jumps over
our car
Wilda Morris
as if it is still the same: childhood moon
Arvinder Kaur
ripe wheat--
the moon of lovers
throws a tantrum
Vincenzo Adamo
the taste
of nostalgia cheese moon
Zahra Mughis
Between dusk and dawn
the stray cats
come and go
under the streetlights
and the moon
Voima Oy