she gets
the better half
Keith Evetts
estate sale
a pair of golf shoes
still new in the box
John J. Dunphy
how do chameleons
find each other
spring woods
the wish to speak
in pheromonesPat Davis
along the way
I have company
of stars
and songs
Ram Chandran
zig-zag among the reeds --
the love flight
of dragonflies
Vasile Moldovan
utility pole
its lost-dog poster
starting to fade
spring cleaning
the laughing buddha full of dust
Mona Bedi
dripping with honey
the bee-color
of hot corn bread
Barrie Levine
day's end a conference of six crows beginsManoj Sharma
stop press --
story line changed
in my life
spring sunshowers
on plate of pasta...
potpourri of emotions
Nudurupati Nagasri
the forest absorbs
my shadow
Pat Davis
plowing in the sky --
the departure
of the cranes
within and without
a divine jigsaw
Neena Singh
the same moon
in Kabul
a different breeze
Wilda Morris
loneliness --
each one locked inside
his cell phoneKyoko Bengala
the women gather
children's tears
Mircea Moldovan