5 am rain
pigeons tap-dancing
on the tiles
Claire Ninham
dancing leaves—
a misprint in the ballet score
Stephen Toft
the same story with a prince on a white horse...
Mirela Brăilean
vaccines the new arms race
Michael Morell
a worm between me and the rest
Mircea Moldovan
housebound the mountain stairs
becoming . . . vinegar on the collard greens
Kelly Sauvage
mindfulness … seeking the forest … in the trees
Helen Ogden
a murder of crows
in the bare branch
just before the dusk
answering my question
with questions
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
the birds I can’t see
for the treesCynthia Anderson
again in the treehouse ... so long ago
Tsanka Shishkova
autumn sun
placing my shade
on the fresh stump
Laughing waters
a walk in the woods
instead of mushrooms
I pick memories
Samo Kreutz
the whispers
of unheard stories
forest trailSurashree Joshi
noisy garden
a sunflower nods
to a buzzing bee
Zahra Mughis
facing skywards
in prayer
...sunflowersBaisali Chatterjee Dutt
mother’s love
extra butter
on the bread
Priti Khullar
tonga ride
fireflies escort me
to the village home
Arvinder Kaur