mom’s fine china
the gold rim
of an eclipse
Barrie Levine
wildfire . . .
the madness of gusty winds
Manoj Sharma
I slowly stir
amongst ancient runes
where trees sing
their branches like harps
stringing sunbeams
Joanna Ashwell
note by note . . .
a violin gathers
the last star
Veronika Zora Novak
video call
the way you become
a landscape
Robert Moyer
that time before
Pat Davis
blue spruce not blue but spruce
Scott Wiggerman
a snowplow rumbling through my nightmare
Florin C. Ciobica
something fishy on my plate
Roberta Beach Jacobson
getting(make) over
Arvinder Kaur
gravel lane looking skyward alone
B.A. France
dusty leaves the scent of someone else’s syrup
Kelly Sauvage
winter rain dragging my shadow on the sidewalkAgus Maulana Sunjaya
open wide
says my narrow-minded dentist
Bee Jay
Hunter's Moon---
the pizza boy finds
our house
Alex J. Lubman
on my hand a mantis
Angiola Inglese
white pines
snow becoming
the night sky
winter dreariness
longing for the cheery warmth
of dandelions
Ingrid Baluchi
on dandelions
lemon sun
my daughter and i
harvest marigold seeds
summer dreams
Sangita Kalarickal