nightmare and dream
nightingale trill
Vasile Moldovan
a year older
the moon stays
the same
Sherry Grant
all that remains
of my dreams
Rosa Maria Di Salvatore
spring cleaning
full drawers
of dreams
Vincenzo Adamo
pale moonlit sea -
the sleepy song
of a jellyfish
Benedetta Cardone
ancient temple -
the bell sounds
more ancient
Ram Chandran
mountain house -
instead of a bell
Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă
majestic milkweed
caterpillar habitat
mothering monarchs
Richard Bailly
milkweed drunk
a caterpillar lolls
from leaf to leaf
Lorraine A. Padden
the framed sea
at its window
Carmela Marino
summer month
children in the sand
forget about time
Refika Dedić
Maple Dogwood Oaks
How they blush
before getting naked
Ben Onachila
anniversary - they arrived late jasmine Kyoko Bengala
high-pitched cry
I recognize the voice
of my cicada
Maya Daneva
in his palm
my cheek
Bernadette O'Reilly
summer dusk
crickets start to sing
the fireflies to light up
the moonless night
Lisbeth Ho
first rain
in cupped palms
taste of salt
Jharna Sanyal
sea mother keep me as a pearl
Stephen Jarrell Williams
monsoon sky
the birds
flying to a distant dream
in front of
The Bay View Hotel
Alan Peat
the owl
sees too much
to be silent
Rp Verlaine
canoe floats
on aqua-green waters
over sea of moss
Alex Lanzo
Arctic ice melts creating rivers flowing into caves
Gregory Lanzo
old age finding relevance
in haiku Christa Pandey
monsoon sky reflections of the inner landscape
Zahra Mughis
rainbow's end
a poem begins
without me
Alvin B. Cruz
moonless sky on pebble beach – every footstep a sigh
Tim Roberts
tiring day
my dog and I switch
places in dream
Vandana Parashar