Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

By Deborah Karl-Brandt

daughter …

the duty of being a

caged bird

Deborah Karl-Brandt

Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Susan Burch

Like the Truman Show, maybe people in heaven are watching shows of us.

how everyone loves

an underdog -

surely someone

up there

is rooting for me

Susan Burch

Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Tom Clausen

traffic slows

I move the dead rabbit

to safety

Tom Clausen

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By Hege Anita Jakobsen Lepri

office party

by the ficus a forest

of introverts

Hege Anita Jakobsen Lepri

By Kavita Ratna


wrapped up in gold

the lobby balsam fir

Kavita Ratna

Saturday, January 13, 2024

By Michael Shoemaker

Stargazing at Capitol Reef

 Michael Shoemaker

Friday, January 12, 2024

By Alvin B. Cruz

from season to season the silence of grief

Alvin B. Cruz

By Nicola Schaum

Moon's halo the quiet is noisy

Nicola Schaum

By C.X. Turner

if peace

were a sound

snow angels

C.X. Turner

By Alfred Booth

my inner bear

begins to hibernate

cold moon

Alfred Booth

By Nancy Brady

wood smoke

in the wind

last rites

Nancy Brady

By Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

the taste of winter in my folding hands snow

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

By Ron Nhim

vacant park bench

a homeless man curls up

to dream in the cold

Ron Nhim

By David He

river ice

choking every word

winter moon

David He


the cry

of a swan

out of reeds...

the coolness

of moonlight

David He

By Robert Witmer


the little boy fills his basket

with snowballs

Robert Witmer

By Chen-ou Liu

last shift over

my shadow walks alone

with the snow moon

Chen-ou Liu

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

By S.Eta Grubešić

Rooted in Winter

S.Eta Grubešić

By Kimberly Kuchar

the weight of ice

on every branch

my breaking point

Kimberly Kuchar



a falling tear

freezes on her cheek

she keeps walking

Kimberly Kuchar

By Michael Shoemaker

moving a piano up

to the fourteenth floor

a test of friendship

Michael Shoemaker

By Mark Meyer

nightingale floor

still waking the dead

as I tiptoe through life

Mark Meyer

By Mark Forrester

thick brush

the fox’s tail

here and gone

Mark Forrester

By Mark Gilbert

sparrows that rhyme

and snow that doesn’t lay

Leonard Cohen

Mark Gilbert

By M. R. Pelletier

Time lapse—

   how age reshuffles

   memory’s frames

M. R. Pelletier

By Mary Arnold

Appalachian pond

in the middle of mallards

a single cormorant

Mary Arnold

By Melissa Laussmann

his gentle moves

in morning's first light—

the silkworm

Melissa Laussmann

Saturday, January 6, 2024

By David Josephsohn

health crisis

her long journey

to another state

David Josephsohn

Friday, January 5, 2024

By Randy Brooks

red button mushrooms

cheerful little fellas

on a rotting log

Randy Brooks