Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Friday, October 11, 2024

By Bipasha Majumder (De)

earthworms . . .

gender conflicts cease

to exist

Bipasha Majumder (De)

By Steve Van Allen

hummingbirds packing for Mexico

Steve Van Allen

By Darrell Petska

dead possum          walking

Darrell Petska

Grandma’s meander

down memory lane

lined with gravestones

Darrell Petska

By Kelly Sargent

saltwater showers the wounds in you in me

Kelly Sargent


By Bryan Rickert

howler monkey your bold faced lies

Bryan Rickert

long marriage

the silent treatment

of snow

Bryan Rickert

By Karen O’Leary

new widow a raven shares her song

Karen O’Leary



a wrong note

Karen O’Leary

By Yasir Farooq

summer night

for every raindrop

praises to God

Yasir Farooq

By Manasa Reddy Chichili

mind excercise

learning new things

for extension of old life

Manasa Reddy Chichili

monsoon flood

a bird's cage floating

far from the sky

Manasa Reddy Chichili

By Louise Hopewell

dog park

all the owners

off leash

Louise Hopewell



murky pond

a child scatters crumbs

by the no feeding ducks sign

Louise Hopewell

river beach

overlapping footprints

of birdsong

Louise Hopewell

By Rupa Anand

that blush

slinking over skyscrapers


Rupa Anand

Thursday, October 10, 2024

By Sharon Ferrante

sunken ship…

the ghostly rhythm

of her violin

Sharon Ferrante

By Mircea Moldovan

tears of saints, the thundering voice of a priest

Mircea Moldovan

By Chris Collins

scratching like crazy

FedEx arrives

with itch cream

Chris Collins

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

By Mark Hendrickson

misspent youth

if only I could

misspend it again

Mark Hendrickson

Monday, October 7, 2024

By Alexis Rotella

from one balcony to the next spider silk

Alexis Rotella

By Andrew Brindle

mountain mist

the emptiness

between us

Andrew Brindle

a silent falling

of late summer dreams

ocean rain

Andrew Brindle

all the words

we left unsaid

shrouded mountains

Andrew Brindle

By Alvin B. Cruz

finding peace

in a lonely place

desert lily

Alvin B. Cruz

By Anthony Lusardi

almost like your first love

no one gets over

their first fright

Anthony Lusardi

By Anthony Ward

Autumn evenings

Nights like spilled ink

Encapsulating memories

Anthony Ward

By Anju Kishore

rain needles

the streetlight spotlights

a shivering cat

Anju Kishore

summer holidays

a family of monkeys

on the clothesline

Anju Kishore

Sunday, October 6, 2024

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

wind gusts

a comb-over


Joseph P. Wechselberger

Father's Day

the annual reminder

I will never be one

Joseph P. Wechselberger

a squirrel nibbling

the tree's last pear

cold drizzle

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Jonash Lepcha

we destroy forests

to make paper and pencils

to write 'save the trees'

Jonash Lepcha

By John J. Dunphy

politician's speech

I stop his lying

by pressing mute

John J. Dunphy



high-end church

its communion wine

very dry

John J. Dunphy

By Jerome Berglund

long weekend

the news comes

on a friday

Jerome Berglund

By Jennifer Gurney

leaves changing

nearly as quickly

as life

Jennifer Gurney


all along the street

in the quiet of the night

fireflies dance

as if

no one is watching

Jennifer Gurney

Saturday, October 5, 2024

By Kelly Moyer


Without You

Kelly Moyer













Kelly Moyer

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

By Marilyn Ashbaugh

returning every year autumn solitude

Marilyn Ashbaugh

no rush to say goodbye scarlet maple

Marilyn Ashbaugh

autumn sky

a new galaxy

in the cat’s eyes

Marilyn Ashbaugh

an ant

with its own agenda

conference room

Marilyn Ashbaugh

skip in the record the wingbeats of swans

Marilyn Ashbaugh

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

By j rap

hexagon to square

my shrinking circle

of friends

j rap



coming out of the storm I didn’t know I was in

j rap


a single sheet of paper

swirls down the empty street

j rap