moonlight waltz down a silken petal aisle
Sherry Grant
how to divide
the puppy
Joe Sebastian
soft rain
the sound of peepers
growing louder G.R. LeBlanc
grandparents’ front porch swing
a pendulum
of stories shared
Lee Hudspeth
following the murmuration of starlings the murmur of their wings Pippa Phillips
six feet apart or six feet below distant bells Bee Jay
nocturne you play me once again
oysters on a moonless night— I find no pearl Pippa Phillips
my flaws in the system crook of moon
Lori A Minor
failing eyesight
now I don’t see
faults in others
Vandana Parashar
blizzard tonight somewhere in the whitened wind the moon Barrie Levine
spring snow his last smile on a photo Carmela Marino
red hawk scans the field wings furled he waits watches inexorable Britton Gildersleeve
rush hour a swallow repairing its nest
Florin C. Ciobica
weeping willow cave shaded earthy asylum secluded haven JL Huffman
train timetable she tells me her period is late
Bee Jay
ashes . . .
left with memories
Jhumu Zohara
cold moon-- the last scoop of ice cream in a warm spoon Pippa Phillips
sunflowers my thoughts change direction Carmela Marino
cornflowers... the sky has never been so close Rosa Maria Di Salvatore
a whole life
in the closed tulip
the fairy tale elf
Maya Daneva
birthday cake—
carving out a month of moons Barrie Levine
a magnolia branch scratching the moon writer's block
expectations - moon reflected on the djembe sound Maria Teresa Sisti
detours - partners in love Bill D. Johnston
deciduous dreams my tree
as the snail
fills the shell
Ram Chandran
all that remains wolf moon
late blossoms
moving bras from the cart
to “save for later”
ancient he-tortoise ambles towards the she-shell chasing extinction JL Huffman