Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Friday, November 10, 2023

By Simon De Courcey

fresh root rot —


text messages

Simon De Courcey

By Richa Sharma

a fruit falling from your hands :: i float over the waters of womanhood

Richa Sharma

By Radhika De Silva

lost mobile

eyes rest

on the moon

Radhika De Silva

By Daya Bhat

wind dispersal

warring time zones

on my widget

Daya Bhat

Mona Bedi

black ice —

the homeless man and I

talk about karma

Mona Bedi

Pitt Büerken

turn of an era

the mouse munches

the cat

Pitt Büerken

Chen-ou Liu

Ramadan moon

wave upon wave of prayers

in a tent city

Chen-ou Liu

By Ingrid Baluchi

eco courtyard

artificial grass around

their plastic palms

Ingrid Baluchi

By Vivien Eliades

doctor’s waiting room

patients glued to their phones

a modern sickness

Vivien Eliades

By Chris Collins

my first woolly bear

uncurled and walked on my hand

whispers of winter

Chris Collins

By Jayson Dela Fuente

fading moonlight of endless night shivers

Jayson Dela Fuente

Thursday, November 9, 2023

By Bryan Rickert

river baptism all the crows gathered

Bryan Rickert


fire season poppies jump the break line

Bryan Rickert

By Roy N. Mason

Joan Baez Said


saying and being

told goodbye

two different cries

Roy N. Mason

By Ana Drobot

child's play —

touching the moon

from my window

Ana Drobot

By Susan Burch

marriage proposal

all the Yeps

on the steps

Susan Burch

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Alvin B. Cruz

war death toll climbing roses

Alvin B. Cruz


an eye

for an eye

in war

nothing but


Alvin B. Cruz

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

By Francoise Maurice

white chrysanthemum

carried by the dove

the sad ink

Francoise Maurice


black saturday

the massacre of innocents

on the front page

Francoise Maurice

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Mark Forrester

chipped red paint—

my horseshoe resting on


Mark Forrester

Mark Miller


the shimmering masts

of anchored yachts

Mark Miller

Mark Gilbert

first raindrops

nothing fancy

just keeping time

Mark Gilbert

Friday, November 3, 2023

By Stephen Jarrell Williams



my inner thoughts

Stephen Jarrell Williams

By Marjorie Pezzoli

war puzzle peace into pieces

Marjorie Pezzoli



lead should surround stain glass not children


Marjorie Pezzoli

By Anthony Ward

Turning back the clocks

I go back in time

As if it doesn’t exist

Anthony Ward

By Vandana Parashar

election debate

the cat drags a dead mouse

out of the bush

Vandana Parashar



falling asleep

to the sound of snores

night watchman’s dog

Vandana Parashar

By Amoolya Kamalnath

grey skies

and yet,

a new road

Amoolya Kamalnath

By Mircea Moldovan

I'm a sack of rusty bones, sweet moon

Mircea Moldovan



between mature people

harvest moon

Mircea Moldovan

By Kerry J Heckman

wet cobblestone street

the open sign

blinks on and off

Kerry J Heckman

By Maria Concetta Conti

her tired face

how many leaves

on the ground

Maria Concetta Conti

By Bonnie J Scherer

paper thin

our penpal friendship

over the years

Bonnie J Scherer


crushing grapes —

the stain

of my sin

Bonnie J Scherer

John Hawkhead

winter funeral

our plumes of breath

drawing veils

John Hawkhead

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...